E-books and audiobooks: E-book borrowing conditions (became valid: 01.01.2023)
E-readers: Terms and conditions of borrowing an e-reader (became valid: 03.02.2014)
Borrowing of other type of items (musical instruments, sporting equipment, tools etc): Borrowing conditions (became valid: 12.09.2023)
Contactless: Contactless borrowing (became valid: 02.11.2020) Free translation
Newspapers: Newspaper borrowing conditions (valid: 02.01.–30.12.2023)
Mobile Library: Organizing the services of the library bus (became valid: 22.12.2021)
Parcel machine: Ordering books to the parcel machine (became valid: 19.03.2021)
Travelling library service
Public computing / Internet use
Activity rooms:
Innovation Lab – Kännukuke Library
Memory Lab – Kalamaja Library
The Sewing Room – Sõle Library
“Born to be a reader”: Campaign “Born to be a reader” (valid: 01.08.2023–30.12.2023)
“Read and be free!”: Campaign “Read and be free!” (valid: 02.01.2023–30.12.2023)
“Supporting Ukraine”: Campaign “Supporting Ukraine” (became valid: 04.03.2022) Free translation
Regulations of using Tallinn Central Library’s logo (became valid: 10.07.2015)